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A Bow to Sappho

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Pain penetrates

Me drop
by drop...

Come, let us build

A dyke
and strike

A blow that rates

A stop.
A drop

From semi-skilled

To sense.

Lord, how political correctness of any kind disgusts me.  Worst of all its kind is PC behaviour which claims validity from the ancients.  The first three lines of this poem are an offering from the translation skills of Mary Barnard, taken from a ‘fragment’ of Sappho (c.612 BC)— although how a document could be dated to ‘circa’ 612 B.C. is beyond me.  The only possible reason for the publication of these three lines as a poem is the name ‘Sappho’; a magic talisman whereby the sins of feminist translators may be cocooned in the tomb of modern sensibility. Oh, please!