January 1, 2006

Nursery Rhymes for Modern Times

In this book, Felix takes the innocence of nursery rhymes and turning them into something altogether darker, Dennis turns his piercing eye on the follies and absurdities of modern life. From ASBOs to Osama Bin Laden, creationism to crack houses, Humpty Dumpty to Tony Blair, nothing and no one is spared.

“This is marvellous stuff... a 21st century Kipling. He rollicks and rolls with rhyme, meter, and melody.”
— Tom Wolfe

Even more shockingly, once you’ve read Dennis’s updating of “Little Miss Muffet”, you’ll never be able to think of her in the same way again. Scathing and hilarious, imaginative and unpredictable, “When Jack Sued Jill” is an essential collection of twisted nursery rhymes for the twenty-first century.

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White Van Man

Dorsington, Warwickshire

The Effects of Sex

Mandalay, Mustique